The Repurpose Method

Rather than constantly creating new content from scratch, the Repurpose Method involves finding ways to rework or update your existing content into different formats and then promoting it to gain backlinks.

Repurposing Content

In fact, one great piece of content could be repurposed into many different types of content. By doing so, you will reach a far wider audience as you appeal to those who like to read, those who are visual, and those who like to listen. Plus it gives you a great excuse to re-promote your content each time it is repurposed, thus increasing views and the potential for new backlinks.

To Use The Repurpose Method, Follow These Steps:

  1. Identify existing content that is high-quality and valuable: Look through your website or blog and identify content that is high-quality, informative, and valuable. This could be blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, or other types of content.
  2. Repurpose the content into different formats: Once you have identified your existing content, find ways to repurpose it into different formats. This could involve turning a blog post into a video, creating an infographic from an article, or reworking a podcast into a series of social media posts.
  3. Promote the repurposed content: Once you have repurposed your existing content, promote it to gain backlinks. Share the content on social media, reach out to industry influencers or journalists to ask for mentions, or use other tactics to get the content in front of new audiences.
  4. Monitor and track the performance of the backlinks you acquire: Use tools like Google Analytics to see how many people are visiting your website from the backlinks you acquire through the repurpose method and how it is impacting your search rankings.

Some Examples of Repurposing

Here are a few examples of how you can repurpose existing content as part of your backlink building strategy:

  • Blog post to video: Turn a blog post into a video by reading the post aloud or using it as a script for a video. This can be a great way to reach new audiences or to make your content more engaging and interactive.
  • Article to infographic: Create an infographic from an article by extracting key points and data from the article and presenting them in a visual format. This can be a great way to make complex information easier to understand and more engaging.
  • Podcast to social media posts: Use a podcast as the basis for a series of social media posts. Extract key points or quotes from the podcast and use them as the basis for individual posts, or create a series of posts that provide a summary or highlights of the podcast.
  • Webinar to tutorial: Turn a webinar into a video tutorial by recording the webinar and editing it into a more structured tutorial format. This can be a great way to provide more in-depth information or to showcase your expertise in a particular subject.
  • Interview to blog post: Use an interview as the basis for a blog post by extracting key points or quotes from the interview and using them to create a more structured article. This can be a great way to share insights or perspectives from industry experts or other thought leaders.

Content Repurposing

Repurposing An Article

Here are five ways you can repurpose an article:

  1. Create a series of social media posts: Extract key points or quotes from the article and use them as the basis for individual social media posts.
  2. Use it as the basis for a tutorial: Edit the article into a more structured tutorial format.
  3. Turn it into a podcast: Record the article as a podcast or use it as a script for a podcast.
  4. Use it to create a presentation: Extract key points from the article and use them to create a presentation using a tool like Slideshare.
  5. Convert it into an eBook: Combine several articles into an eBook format.

By following these examples, you can find creative ways to repurpose existing content and gain valuable backlinks. Repurposing content can be a great way to save time and resources, while also helping to increase the reach and impact of your existing content.

Using Your Repurposed Content to Get Backlinks

Once you have repurposed your content into different formats, there are several ways you can use it to get backlinks:

  1. Share it on social media: Share your repurposed content on social media platforms to get it in front of new audiences and potentially earn backlinks.
  2. Reach out to industry influencers or journalists: Contact industry influencers or journalists and ask for mentions or links back to your repurposed content. This can be a great way to get your content in front of new audiences and potentially earn valuable backlinks.
  3. Use content syndication platforms: Submit your repurposed content to content syndication platforms like Medium or LinkedIn Pulse. These platforms can help you reach new audiences and potentially earn backlinks.
  4. Participate in relevant online communities or forums: Share your repurposed content in relevant online communities or forums and ask for feedback or comments. This can help you get your content in front of new audiences and potentially earn backlinks.
  5. Use paid promotion: Use paid promotion platforms like Facebook Ads or Google Ads to promote your repurposed content and reach new audiences. This can be a great way to get your content in front of people who are interested in your topic and potentially earn backlinks.

It’s important to be strategic and selective about where and how you promote your content in order to maximize the chances of earning backlinks. By following these steps, you can effectively use your repurposed content to get valuable backlinks and increase the visibility and credibility of your website.

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